Review of the book ‘Perverse Psychology’ - The pathologization of sexual violence and transgenderism. The Psychologist.
Nokling, K. E. (2015).
Review of the book ‘Treating Traumatic Bereavement - A Practitioner’s Guide.’ The Psychologist.
Nokling, K. E. (2014).
Review of the book ‘Hardwiring Happiness.’ - The practical science of reshaping your brain – and your life. The Psychologist.
Nokling, K. E. (2014).
Review of the book ‘The Bitterest Pills - The Troubling Story of Antipsychotic Drugs.’ The Psychologist.
Nokling, K. E. (2013).
Review of the book ‘A sneetch is a sneetch’ - Out of the mouth of babes... The Psychologist.
Nokling, K. E. (2013).
Review of the book Chasing The Lost Times, by G.Beattie, B. Beattie - The Psychology of Obsessive Sportmanship. The Psychologist, 25(9), 608.
Nokling, K. E (2012).
Dyadic relationships between borderline personality disorder and Hypomania visible in the non-clinical population.
Nokling, K. E (2012). . Cumbria Partnership Journal of Research, Practice and Learning. Vol 2(1).
The interactions between self harm and borderline personality disorder and bipolar disorder demonstrated in a non-clinical population.
Nokling, K. E (2012). Cumbria Partnership Journal of Research, Practice and Learning. Vol 2(2).
Review of the book ‘Intimacy’ by Z. Marar - A Necessary Component of a Fulfilled Life. The Psychologist, 25(11), 609.
Nokling, K. E (2012).
Parades Psycho-Education Dissemination Event for Barrow. May 2012. A debrief and reunion for participants two years on from the start of the Clinical Trial.
Nokling, K. E, Riste, L., & Long, R. (2012).
The Spectrum Centre for Mental Health Research, Spring Newsletter 2012.
Nokling, K.E,. Mulligan, L., Stevenson-Turner, K., Caddell, L.,Todd, N. (2012).
Is This Mania. [Published poem] Winner of the Spectrum Connect Poetry Competition. Read at the Spectrum Service User Conference September 19th 2012.
Nokling, K.E. (2012).