Draft revisions to psychiatry’s diagnostic were published online in February 2010. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual 5 (DSM-5), published by the American Psychiatric Association (APA), is for May 2013 release. Possible new diagnostic categories include ‘hypersexuality’ and binge eating disorder’.
A dimensional assessment is proposed to be included alongside a categorical approach (diagnosis/no diagnosis).
The intention on l is to provide clinicians a brief, simple way to obtain ratings for such important areas over time regardless of the specific disorder’.
Other possible changes are for the diagnosis of autistic spectrum disorder; a new reconceptualisation of personality disorders; for a new diagnosis of ‘temper dysregulation disorder with dysphorid to describe children aged over six who display frequent outburst and persistent negative mood. The criterion for PTSD and especially criterion (a) are being re considered and further clarified.
The proposed changes can be found online at www.dsm5.org. I The process for developing DSM-5 continues to be deliberative, thoughtful and inclusive’ explained Dr Kupfer, chair of the DSM task force.
The APA is committed to developing a manual that is both based on the best science available and useful to clinicians and researchers.
The BPS have recently commented on this in ‘The Psychologist’ (April, 2010). Experts and Lawyers alike look forward to seeing the final publication in 2013.